"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." —Mark Twain

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Location: Oklahoma, United States

The hardest question for me to answer in this world is always the "Tell us all about you" question. The best way for me to answer is that "I am composed of contradictions and subject to change without notice."

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Link Collection 8

I collect links. I collect a lot of links. The links end up on scraps of paper, post it notes, legal pads, and various other surfaces around the house and office. These are links that I either intend to blog about or just want to research a little further. Some of the links are just collected as cool looking websites, without any regard to content. Some of the sites have a wonderful business model. Regardless of the reason for the collecting of the link by the time I get back to the links, I have forgotten the reason I collected it in the first place. Since I don't generally do much more with them than collect, I thought it would be best to just start posting them as a list of links that I can find later or someone else can blog about. More than likely, there won't be any more information about them than the link.

There is no particular order to these links. There is no rhyme or reason to them. And there definitely is no real reason for listing them here other than those stated above.

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Correcting an oversight

I can't believe that in almost 2 years I have never written a single word on one of my all time favorite musical artists. I had to run a search on my blog to be sure and it was true. I had never said word one about "Weird Al" Yankovic. While I have not completed my collection of his works, I do own Running With Scissors, Even Worse, In 3-D, and Off the Deep End. I also have both the VHS and DVD versions of UHF.

Hopefully, this post remedies my terrible oversight and I will once again feel whole :-)

I will now leave you with one of the funniest "Weird Al" videos out there:

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posted by Belhoste at 6:22 PM 0 comments


Women play games?

Atari 2600 Who knew? Oh puleeze! Women have been playing games for more than a few years now. It just seems like no one ever noticed it - until now. I have been playing video games for as long as I can remember. I remember having several different video game consoles over my lifetime as well as spending quite a bit of time and quarters at the local video arcade (but that is another story). Let me see if I can remember all the consoles that I played on:

Of the previous list, I still own the PS2 and of course the Wii - my mom now has possession of the Nintendo GameCube. Strangely enough, she wanted it for the grandkids and she plays it more than they do - more proof. And up until 8 years ago (when I cleaned out the garage for a move), I still had ownership of most all the older systems with the exceptions of the Atari 5200 (my sister kept that one) and the Sega Genesis (I don't know what happened to that one) - including most all of the games. I sold several of the systems/games at a garage sale, some went to the local thrift store, and one was sold on eBay.

Side note: I remember an Odyssey being in the house, but I couldn't tell you much more about it.

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posted by Belhoste at 6:25 PM 0 comments


s'more than that

The marshmallow is a humble, squishy confection that has lived within our hot cocoa's for as long as we can remember. But now USA Today declares:
"The everyday marshmallow is toast."
I am not sure whether my world has now come to an end or if this is the beginning of a wonderful revolution. We now have choices of "gourmet" marshmallow treats.

Here is a short list of tasty, gourmet marshmallow goodies:

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posted by Belhoste at 10:40 PM 0 comments


What is seen, cannot be unseen

These comments are pretty hilarious when taken in context, they are even funnier when taken out of context. Here are some of the finer pieces of comments taken from fark.com:
  • Clam Juice
  • quadratic bunghole
  • Hoocha hoocha hoocha
  • probable topography of a stink loaf
  • Poo is funny
  • unsuspecting dirt snake
  • equilateral set of sphincter muscles
  • sharp like Ginsu
  • football being crammed up an exhaust pipe
  • Play-doh doesn't taste all that great
  • Bearded Clam

None of these comments really have anything to do with the original article that spawned the forum thread. If you are still wondering.....{dramatic pause for effect}... it was about a sinking ship.

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posted by Belhoste at 5:06 PM 0 comments


My kind of sport

There are quite a few sports out there that I pretty much avoid (you can pretty well translate that to almost all of them). I strongly dislike football (which has become an even stronger dislike because I live where it is the home of the Sooners); I think softball is best watched while on painkillers; I believe that rugby is best left to the masochistic (ha, spelled it right on the first try - does that say something about me?); and I am completely against anything to do with basketball.

There are two sporting events that I do like to participate in and/or watch. One of the two is poker and the other is bowling. Two sports that encourage you to drink while playing. This video is very definitely right up my alley:

It just doesn't get much better than watching Lego figures bowl!

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posted by Belhoste at 6:37 PM 0 comments


BlogRush and FeedBurner

I made a couple of small, but significant changes to this blog yesterday. I added BlogRush to bottom left-hand side of the page. And I added a FeedBurner link to the bottom right-hand side of the page (if you don't want to scroll, then here is the link to add me to your feeds: http://feeds.feedburner.com/belhoste). While FeedBurner has been around a little while and doesn't need a whole lot of explaining, BlogRush is fairly new and may need a little explaining.

What is BlogRush?
From ProBlogger:
"There’s a great little video on the front page of Blog Rush that explains the system better than I could on a post - however in short this is a little widget that you put on your sidebar which displays posts that others have written on their blogs (related to your blog’s content)."
I will only add that the displayed posts are based on content that is relevant to your site. Hopefully, this works better than some of the others I have tried in the past.

One thing to make note of is that BlogRush did not quite anticipate the sheer volume of new sign-ups that they would receive in the first few days. When I signed in this morning to check on the status of things, I saw this:
TO: All BlogRush Members
FROM: John Reese, Founder of BlogRush
"The first 60 hours since we launched the BlogRush public beta has been nothing short of EXPLOSIVE. We knew that we were developing an exciting tool that many bloggers could benefit from, but we had no idea how fast the 'word' would spread across the Web."
I am going to choose to take this as a good sign of things to come.

By the way: I would like to thank the 11 people who have already signed up for my blog feed!

posted by Belhoste at 12:45 PM 0 comments


An impending switch

Let this be fair warning to all 9 people who read my blog on a regular basis (by the way - I love it that you keep returning to read my ramblings). I have a plan to switch my blog to Wordpress (hosted by GoDaddy) before the end of this year - maybe early November if I am lucky. I have been doing a little research and Wordpress seems to be the way to go. While some people might not think GoDaddy is the best choice of host, I have had pretty good luck with them and I really like their customer service team.

Some of my first thoughts on this are (in no particular order):
  • I plan on leaving this blog intact with a "final" post directing people to my "new" blog.
  • I will use the domain name of www.belhoste.com which I already own and is currently forwarded to this blog
  • I will re-create all posts that I have here on the new blog (including comments if possible)
  • I want to be able to expand my blog beyond a blog - having a full about me page at the very least
  • Be able to host my own image files - while I like using photo bucket it has its limitations
  • While my primary goal of this site is to just have a place to speak my mind and not necessarily make any money - I will continue to have a "spare change" section that hopefully makes enough money to cover the hosting
  • I will try and make a real category list and limit those categories to between 10 and 20 topics
  • One thing you can be sure of that will not change is my ability to post in grammatically incorrect sentences

My main reason for the switch is to make this a more "professional" looking blog. I have had this blog for a few years now and I have managed to keep it going, so I feel like it is time for the next step. While I don't have all that many returning readers, I do have quite a few people who come here to check out some of my more popular posts.

With that said, I would love to hear any advice from people on how best to go about this. I have ideas of my own, but I am always open to suggestions.

Note: I hate begging for anything, but I would really appreciate some links to this post to be able to get more advice from people about switching.

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posted by Belhoste at 5:08 PM 2 comments


Almost dead - or just feeling that way

Given that pollen levels have been seemingly off the charts here in Oklahoma for the past couple of weeks, I have been feeling some serious effects. My signs and symptoms first started about a week ago and they started to progress from there. It first started out as just the basic allergy stuff: sniffing, sneezing, and gummy eyes. From there it went to: the inability to breathe through my nose. Then it progressed to: can't stop coughing. The end result of this being bronchitis - for which I went to the doctor for the appropriate dosing of antibiotics before it turned into pneumonia (which was where it was headed). The worst part about this is that I had to use some of my sick days at work for actually being sick instead of just taking "mental health" days.

I tell you all this so you know why I have not been blogging very much. I have not had the strength to do much more than sleep, cough, and "drink lots of fluids" - fluid intake of that level for me is generally only made of the caffeinated kind.

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posted by Belhoste at 5:38 PM 0 comments


3 AA batteries required

I must admit that my thoughts after reading the first line of this post did not take me in the same direction as the remainder of the lines in the post. Just so you can see what I am talking about here is the first line:
"I go through AA batteries like teenagers go through refrigerators: at high speed, with little if any regard for the potential expense."
My first thought took me in the direction of a recent conversation with a friend:

Friend: "If anything ever happens to me, I want you to go to my house and remove something for me."
Me: puzzled look "Like what?"
Friend: "Just a box."
Me: "Okay, what box?"
Friend: "It's just a wicker box, about shoebox size, that I have under my bed."
Me: "What do I do with the box after I remove it?"
Friend: "Take it out from under the bed and throw it away - DO NOT open it"
Me: "Why would YOU need ME to remove a box only to throw it away? What the hell is it?"
Friend: sheepish grin "Well, I just don't want anyone else to see and I trust you not to open it."
Me: "Thanks for the vote of confidence, but you still haven't told me what is in it..."
Friend: looks away "Well, it's personal - and I definitely don't want ANYONE to see what is is in it."
Me: knowing grin "...so you're not going to tell me - you know I will have to assume the worst - like that maybe it contains body parts or old love letters. Most likely I will assume that what lives in the box likes it dark and you only feed it batteries." knowing look in her direction
Friend: silence
Me: snickering ... more snickering ...okay, okay, I will do it. But you have to promise me something.
Friend: "Like what?"
Me: "That you'll do the same thing for me."
Friend: relieved look "No problem."
Me: smile "There is one thing though."
Friend: puzzled look "What is it?"
Me: big smile "Mine is considerably larger than a shoebox..."

Which takes me back to the need for batteries... Between all my electronic gadgets that require batteries and all those "personal massagers" - I have the need to purchase my batteries in bulk.

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posted by Belhoste at 9:15 PM 2 comments


Link Collection 7

I collect links. I collect a lot of links. The links end up on scraps of paper, post it notes, legal pads, and various other surfaces around the house and office. These are links that I either intend to blog about or just want to research a little further. Some of the links are just collected as cool looking websites, without any regard to content. Some of the sites have a wonderful business model. Regardless of the reason for the collecting of the link by the time I get back to the links, I have forgotten the reason I collected it in the first place. Since I don't generally do much more with them than collect, I thought it would be best to just start posting them as a list of links that I can find later or someone else can blog about. More than likely, there won't be any more information about them than the link.

There is no particular order to these links. There is no rhyme or reason to them. And there definitely is no real reason for listing them here other than those stated above.

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posted by Belhoste at 4:03 PM 1 comments


Art in Oklahoma

Since tonight was the first OU game of the season, we decided it was better spent outside of Norman. We called a few friends and decided to head out of town (as far away from the traffic and noise of the game as possible). You see, we live close enough to the stadium to be able to hear just about everything that goes on at the game.

Spent a wonderful evening at the Arts Festival Oklahoma. The weather was just perfect for viewing all the artists. We wandered around all the tents soaking up some local and not so local art talent. It is great to go to this festival since all the artists are present. You can speak with them and ask all sorts of questions about their art or where they came from (and more).

All types of artists were well represented this year. I especially liked the art of Brad W. Foster. His "The Giggling Dragon" graphic was just adorable. I was completlely fascinated by his "The Athenaeum" - it was a library that just went on for days and the details in it were amazing. And I just loved "Eve". The graphic of "Lady and the Tiger" seemed to be a bit different than the rest of his work, but it was just as amazing. One of the best things about his work was that each one had its own story.

The other artist that had some amazing detail in her work was Kim Laird. Her painting of "Mother" was extremely well done. The unexpected details in the eyes of the cat just drew you in to the painting. I also loved the painting of "Sophia". The face is wonderful and the peacock feathers are very detailed. Her work was very colorful and just made you want to look and look and look. I spent a long time just staring at her paintings trying to find all the details.

Side-note: Since living in Norman, OK means always hearing about football (no matter how hard you try not to), the score was Sooners 79; North Texas 10.

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posted by Belhoste at 11:39 PM 0 comments