"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." —Mark Twain

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Location: Oklahoma, United States

The hardest question for me to answer in this world is always the "Tell us all about you" question. The best way for me to answer is that "I am composed of contradictions and subject to change without notice."

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Love Bytes

I know on some level I had realized this fact, but I had never really REALIZED it. I spend more time during any given day with a computer(s) than with my significant other. Reading this article brought that little tidbit to the front of my brain.

My time spent with various computers may or may not have something to do with the fact that I have never spent any real time away from a computer. My job requires the use of a computer, my friends all want help fixing their computers, my mom and dad call me on a regular basis for technical support (it is only after twenty minutes of working on whatever failing gadget they have questioned me about that they then ask "how are you doing"), my life partner has me fix her computer on a semi-regular basis (in all fairness, she has gotten pretty good at fixing it herself now), and my hobbies almost all include the use or abuse of computers.

Although it doesn't take a rocket scientist or even a survey to come up with these beauties:
"They were surprised, Rodio said, to find that computer problems could unleash such powerful emotions. When confronted with a dead computer, 19 percent admitted to wanting to hurl it out the nearest window, 9 percent felt stranded and alone, 11 percent used language normally reserved for special occasions, 7 percent did so loudly, 3 percent did so tearfully and 3 percent additionally vented their wrath on inanimate objects."
They were surprised that people had "powerful emotions" with regards to their computers. This does not make me want to purchase their help desk software - especially considering the "powerful emotions" that I have experienced in my lifetime directed at hardware and/or software.

Back to the original topic.... hmmm... oh nevermind, after getting all worked up over this computer stuff, I now have the need to go throw a pesky laser printer off of a rooftop.

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Belhoste: Love Bytes » Composed of contradictions and subject to change without notice

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Anonymous Anonymous said ... (10/10/2007 8:46 AM) : 

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Blogger Belhoste said ... (10/10/2007 6:54 PM) : 

I am so glad that you like the site. I am always happy to hear about having a new reader. I will be sure to pass along your offer for a 10% discount to my readers. Thanks


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