"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." —Mark Twain

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Location: Oklahoma, United States

The hardest question for me to answer in this world is always the "Tell us all about you" question. The best way for me to answer is that "I am composed of contradictions and subject to change without notice."

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Rasterbate to increase size

Using the Rasterbator will make your digital photos bigger than you ever thought possible.
The Rasterbator is a web service which creates huge, rasterized images from any picture. The rasterized images can be printed and assembled into extremely cool looking posters up to 20 meters in size.
From photojojo.

Also, be sure to check out the rasterbator tagged photos on Flickr.

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Belhoste: Rasterbate to increase size » Composed of contradictions and subject to change without notice

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Comments on "Rasterbate to increase size"


Blogger CGHill said ... (5/12/2006 7:54 AM) : 

What I'm wanting to know, I guess, is if you blow up too many photos in the name of rasterbation, will you go blind?


Blogger Belhoste said ... (5/12/2006 12:16 PM) : 

No, I think you just end up with hairy palms :-)


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