"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." —Mark Twain

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Location: Oklahoma, United States

The hardest question for me to answer in this world is always the "Tell us all about you" question. The best way for me to answer is that "I am composed of contradictions and subject to change without notice."

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Happy Turkey Day

Today has been the very American holiday of over-eating and family bickering, also known as Thanksgiving. To bring things a little bit back into perspective I give thanks for the following (in no particular order and not all-inclusive):

  • My life-partner and the fact that she show's me every day what it means to love and to be loved
  • My health
  • My mother for bringing me into this world and being there when I need her
  • My father and his quiet way of making things sane again
  • My brother and sisters for many reasons
  • My 11+ nieces and nephews
  • Great friends
  • My crazy zoo of animals and their unconditional love
  • Food to eat (and over-eat)
  • A roof over my head
  • A good job (no matter how crazy it makes me sometimes)
  • All those things I can't think of right now but mean the world to me

Happy Thanksgiving!!

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