"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." —Mark Twain

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Location: Oklahoma, United States

The hardest question for me to answer in this world is always the "Tell us all about you" question. The best way for me to answer is that "I am composed of contradictions and subject to change without notice."

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Mahna Mahna (Phenomenon)

I love The Muppet Show. I used to watch every chance I could when I was younger. Recently some soda company (I think it was Dr. Pepper) has been playing a commercial with that song that I always thought was called phenomenon (its not) and it keeps getting stuck in my head. Since it was already stuck in my head, I decided it was time to purchase my very own copy of it in some fashion, but I couldn't find it. Several searches and a little Boolean logic later and I came across this little treasure of a video: have a look. More importantly I found out that the name of the song is really "Mahna Mahna" or "Lullaby Of Birdland" and can be found in several flavors out there on the Internet (the original is still the best).

Update: Chaz from Dustbury sent me a little more information on this song.

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