"You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus." —Mark Twain

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Location: Oklahoma, United States

The hardest question for me to answer in this world is always the "Tell us all about you" question. The best way for me to answer is that "I am composed of contradictions and subject to change without notice."

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Star Wars for 30 Years

30 years ago today Star Wars appeared on the big screen for the first time and changed everything. We have seen all the movies (for better or worse) and we still want more. Now that all the prequels are finished, will there ever be more sequels? Will George Lucas decide to start where the Return of the Jedi left off? Even though all of our original "how did it all begin" questions have been answered with the prequels - we still don't know what happens to everyone else after Darth Vader and The Emperor are dead.

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Belhoste: Star Wars for 30 Years » Composed of contradictions and subject to change without notice

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